Sailing Lessons

Taking the first step into the sailing community can sometimes feel more like a giant leap. The Seattle Sailing Club, in conjunction with the American Sailing Association, not only takes the stress out of the journey, we make it fun. Our experienced instructors are sure to provide you with all the information necessary to succeed in your sailing lessons. They will work at your speed, allowing you to make the most out of every minute you spend on the Puget Sound. We guarantee that you will feel comfortable on the water and have the knowledge to pass the course and receive the American Sailing Association seal of approval.

ASA 101 Keelboat Sailing 1Man on a sailboat - Sailing Lessons - ASA 101

These 15-hour sailing lessons are designed for students who have either never sailed, or have been on the water and are ready to learn more. It is the perfect first step towards becoming a competent sailor.

SSC Member Price


Non-Member Price



3 hours in a classroom*; 12 hours on-the-water hands-on instruction.

  • Terminology
  • Knots
  • Rules of the Road
  • Sail Theory
  • Safety
  • Tacking/Jibing
  • Rigging
  • Seamanship
  • Upwind/Downwind sailing
  • Points of Sail
  • Crew Overboard Recovery
  • 18+ years old

Class Size:

Minimum to run a lesson: 3 students/lesson

Maximum in each lesson: 4 students/lesson 

Lesson Schedule

Two consecutive days: 9:00am to 5:00pm each day

Additional Schedule Options

Evenings from 5:30pm to 9pm (2 consecutive weeks).

Lesson Cancellation Policy 
  • Cancellations within 14-days of the lesson are non-refundable.
  • Rescheduling within 14-days of the lesson will result in a rescheduling fee of 50% of the cost of the course. 
  • Prices are subject to change. Student will be responsible for paying the price difference upon rescheduling.
Lesson Refund Policy:
  • Lessons are refundable up to 6 months after purchase. 
  • Shipping costs are non-refundable. 
  • Course materials picked up or shipped are non-refundable.
Q: How can I prepare for my ASA course? Are there any course materials I need before the lesson?
Sailing Made Easy cover - ASA 101 Textbook

  1. Schedule your lesson. Call or email the club to schedule your lesson.
  2. Pick up & READ the course materials. Sailing Made Easy by American Sailing Association, ASA Log Book and ASA 101 syllabus are available at Seattle Sailing Club. If you live out of the area, we can ship the materials to you. Note: The course materials are included in the cost of the course, but there is an additional fee to ship them.
  3. Check out ASA’s e-course to get started on the basics.
  4. Get a head start on the reading. Reading the course text and syllabus will give you an idea of what to expect during the lesson.
  5. Pack your bag according to the marine weather forecast. We suggest bringing a waterproof outer shell, warm layers made with polyester, fleece, wool or merino wool (no cotton), non-slip/non-marking shoes, a water bottle, lunch, sunscreen, and chapstick. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) website provides up-to-date weather forecasts for the Puget Sound area. At the bottom of the page, you will find the forecast for the Puget Sound and Hood Canal.
Q: What is the certification process and how much does it cost?
  1. Complete the lesson.
  2. Pass the ASA 101 written certification exam along with the on-the-water skills test (completed during the last day of the lesson).
  3. ASA Fees (Completed at Seattle Sailing Club) Our school is an affiliate of the American Sailing Association. The ASA takes the lead on sailing instruction and sailing schools within the United States. SSC’s sailing lessons correspond to ASA’s internationally recognized curriculum to prepare you to take the certification exam.  If you choose to get certified (more than 90% of our students do) there are ASA fees in addition to what you paid for the course itself.  There is a $39 ASA Student Registration Fee and each certification carries a fee of $30. The certifications are good for life.
  4. Upon completing this course you will have the required skills to act as a competent crew on a sailing vessel. While you will not be certified to skipper a boat, you will have the necessary skills to return the boat to shore in the event that something happens to the skipper. Your certification should arrive in the mail within 4 to 6 weeks after passing your certification exam.
  5. Get on the water! Join SSC staff and members for one free SSC flotilla or fun race to practice the skills acquired during your lesson. Please call to RSVP for a program.

July 2013 was my first real time sailing. I had a great lesson with Lloyd and I plan to keep coming back!   Alex M. -- SSC Student

ASA 103 Basic Coastal CruisingGroup of instructors and students for Sailing Lessons - ASA 101 - Beth

These 21-hour sailing lessons build directly on the skills learned from ASA 101. If your goal is to skipper boats under 30 feet, equipped with an inboard or outboard engine, and tiller driven, look no further.

SSC Member Price


Non-Member Price


3 hours in a classroom*; 15 on the water hands-on instruction; 3-hour graduation sail with classmates

  • Basic Navigation
  • Planning a Day Trip
  • Sail Selection
  • Inboard engine basics
  • Weather and safety
  • Reefing
  • Heaving-to
  • Docking Upwind/Downwind (inboard + outboard engines)
  • Anchoring
  • Boat Handling under sail and power
  • Sail Trim
  • 18+ years old
  • ASA 101: Keelboat Sailing 1 Certification

Class Size:

Minimum to run a lesson: 3 students/lesson

Maximum in each lesson: 4 students/lesson 

Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday

Friday – 6:00pm to 9:00pm, Saturday & Sunday – 9:00am to 5:00pm (all sessions completed in 1 weekend)

Weekday Lessons

Two consecutive days – 9:00am to 6:30pm each day

Lesson Cancellation Policy 
  • Cancellations within 14-days of the lesson are non-refundable.
  • Rescheduling within 14-days of the lesson will result in a rescheduling fee of 50% of the cost of the course. 
  • Prices are subject to change. Student will be responsible for paying the price difference upon rescheduling.
Lesson Refund Policy:
  • Lessons are refundable up to 6 months after purchase. 
  • Shipping costs are non-refundable. 
  • Course materials picked up or shipped are non-refundable.
Q: How can I prepare for my ASA course? Are there any course materials I need before the lesson?
Coastal Cruising Made Easy cover - ASA 103 Textbook

Schedule your lesson. Call or email the club to schedule your lesson.

Pick up & READ the course materials. Coastal Cruising Made Easy by American Sailing Association and ASA 103 syllabus are available at Seattle Sailing Club. If you live out of the area, we can ship the materials to you. Note: The course materials are included in the cost of the course, but there is an additional fee to ship them.

Get a head start on the reading. Reading the course text and syllabus will give you an idea of what to expect during the lesson.

Pack your bag according to the marine weather forecast. We suggest bringing a waterproof outer shell, warm layers made with polyester, fleece, wool or merino wool (no cotton), non-slip/non-marking shoes, a water bottle, lunch, sunscreen, and chapstick. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s(NOAA) website provides up-to-date weather forecasts for the Puget Sound area. At the bottom of the page, you will find the forecast for the Puget Sound and Hood Canal.

Q: What is the certification process and how much does it cost?
  1. Complete the lesson.
  2. Pass the ASA 103 written certification exam along with the on-the-water skills test (completed during the last day of the lesson).
  3. Pay the $30 ASA certification exam fee.
  4. Plan and participate in your class’ 3-hour graduation sail on one of Seattle Sailing Club’s boats under 30ft. The graduation sail gives students the opportunity to use the skills they have acquired from ASA 103 without the guidance of their instructor.
  5. Get on the water! After the graduation sail, you have officially completed your certification and are certified to skipper boats from sailing organizations that recognize ASA certifications. If you’ve joined one of Seattle Sailing Club’s memberships, you are certified to skipper boats under 30ft. Your certification should arrive in the mail within 4 to 6 weeks after completing your grad sail.

My favorite memory was taking out a J/24 with my ASA 103 class as a graduation sail and having a big eagle soar over the boat while sailing 6-7 knots.   Cindy P. -- SSC Student 2013

ASA 104 Bareboat Charter

Person leaning against the mast on a sailboat - Sailing Lessons - Bareboat CharterEnter the big boat world and spend a weekend on a boat 35′-45′ in length with three other students and a certified skipper. In these sailing lessons, you will take the skills from your previous courses and apply them to a larger boat. Additionally, you will learn how to troubleshoot common diesel engine problems, preparing you for a trip of your own day sails or overnight charters.

We hold these lesson based out of Seattle, WA and Anacortes, WA (in the San Juan Islands). Each lesson on the calendar lists the location first. If you have any questions as to which location you are booking, don’t hesitate to reach out!

SSC Member Price


Non-Member Price


3 hours of classroom*; 3 days, 2 nights onboard; 1 night anchored + 1 night docked

  • Planning an overnight charter
  • Inboard Engines
  • Boat Systems: Engine, Galley, Head, Electrical, and Heaters
  • Sail Trim
  • Docking
  • Anchoring
  • Navigation Topics: Plotting Courses, Tides, and Currents

Location Options:

  • Out of Shilshole Bay Marina (year-round)
  • Out of Cap Sante Marina in Anacortes, Washington (Spring)
    • These lessons are spent learning in the San Juan Islands, departing from & returning to Cap Sante Marina.

  • 18+ years old
  • ASA 101: Keelboat Sailing 1 Certification
  • ASA 103: Basic Coastal Cruising Certification

Class Size:

Minimum to run a lesson: 3 students/lesson

Maximum in each lesson: 4 students/lesson 

Lesson Schedule: 4 Calendar Days

Day 1: 6pm – 9pm

Days 2 – 4: Depart at 9am on Day 2, return by 5pm on Day 4

Lesson Cancellation Policy (Shilshole lessons only)

Prices are subject to change. Student will be responsible for paying the price difference upon rescheduling.

  • Cancellations within 14-days of the lesson are non-refundable.
  • Rescheduling within 14-days of the lesson will result in a rescheduling fee of 50% of the cost of the course. 
  • Cancellations made 30+ days before the first day of the lesson can be rescheduled.
  • Cancellations made within 30-days of the first day of the lesson are non-refundable.
  • Rescheduling within 30-days of the lesson will result in a fee equal to 50% of the cost of the course.
Lesson Refund Policy:
  • Lessons are refundable up to 6 months after purchase. 
  • Shipping costs are non-refundable. 
  • Course materials picked up or shipped are non-refundable
Q: How can I prepare for my ASA course? Are there any course materials I need before the lesson?

Bareboat Cruising Made Easy Textbook cover

  1. Schedule your lesson. Call or email the club to schedule your lesson. While scheduling this lesson, please make sure to notify SSC of any dietary restrictions or food allergies.
  2. Pick up & READ the course materials. Bareboat Cruising Made Easy and ASA 104 syllabus are available at Seattle Sailing Club. If you live out of the area, we can ship the materials to you. Note: The course materials are included in the cost of the course, but there is an additional fee to ship them.
  3. Get a head start on the reading. Reading over the course text and syllabus will give you an idea of what to expect during the lesson.
  4. Pack your bag according to the marine weather forecast. We suggest bringing a waterproof outer shell, warm layers made with polyester, fleece, wool or merino wool (no cotton), non-slip/non-marking shoes, a water bottle, lunch, sunscreen, and chapstick. Use the ASA 104 packing list as a guide while you pack for your weekend adventure. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) website provides up-to-date weather forecasts for the Puget Sound area. At the bottom of the page, you will find the forecast for the Puget Sound and Hood Canal

Q: What is the certification process and how much does it cost?
  1. Complete the sailing lesson.
  2. Pass the ASA 104 written certification exam along with the on-the-water skills test (completed during the last day of the lesson).
  3. Pay the $30 ASA certification exam fee.
  4. Get on the water! After passing your ASA 104 exam, you have officially completed your certification. You are now certified to skipper monohulls up to 45ft from sailing organizations around the world that recognize ASA certifications. If you’ve joined one of Seattle Sailing Club’s memberships, you are now certified to skipper boats up to 45ft. Your certification should arrive in the mail within 4 to 6 weeks after passing the exam. For more information on ASA’s International Proficiency Certification, click here.

Cruise N Learn – ASA 103 + ASA 104 Combo Class

Smiling people on a sailboat - Sailing Lesson - Cruise N LearnSpend 5 days & 4 nights out on the water getting certified for ASA 103 Basic Coastal Cruising + ASA 104 Bareboat charter. These sailing lessons will follow the same topics as the ASA 103 + ASA 104. 

We hold these lesson based out of Seattle, WA, and Anacortes, WA (in the San Juan Islands). Each lesson on the calendar lists the location first. If you have any questions as to which location you are booking, don’t hesitate to reach out!

SSC Member Price


Non-Member Price


5 days + 4 nights on-board a larger keelboat (35′-45′); 2-3 nights docked + 2-3 nights anchored

  • Navigation
  • Planning a Day & Overnight Trip
  • Sail Selection
  • Weather and safety
  • Reefing
  • Heaving-to
  • Docking Upwind/Downwind
  • Anchoring
  • Boat Handling under sail and power
  • Sail Trim
  • Inboard Engines
  • Boat Systems: Engine, Galley, Head, Electrical, and Heaters
  • Navigation Topics: Plotting Courses, Tides, and Currents

Location Options:

  • Out of Shilshole Bay Marina (year-round)
  • Out of Cap Sante Marina in Anacortes, Washington (Spring)
    • These lessons are spent learning in the San Juan Islands, departing from & returning to Cap Sante Marina.
  • 18+ years old
  • ASA 101: Keelboat Sailing 1 Certification

Class Size:

Minimum to run a lesson: 3 students/lesson

Maximum in each lesson: 4 students/lesson 

Lesson Schedule: 5 calendar days

Departs at 9am on Day 1; returns by 5pm on Day 5


Prices are subject to change. Student will be responsible for paying the price difference upon rescheduling.

  • Cancellations within 14-days of the lesson are non-refundable.
  • Rescheduling within 14-days of the lesson will result in a rescheduling fee of 50% of the cost of the course. 
  • Cancellations made 30+ days before the first day of the lesson can be rescheduled.
  • Cancellations made within 30-days of the first day of the lesson are non-refundable.
  • Rescheduling within 30-days of the lesson will result in a fee equal to 50% of the cost of the course.
Lesson Refund Policy:
  • Lessons are refundable up to 6 months after purchase. 
  • Shipping costs are non-refundable. 
  • Course materials picked up or shipped are non-refundable
Q: How can I prepare for my ASA course? Are there any course materials I need before the lesson?

Bareboat Cruising Made Easy book cover

  1. Schedule your sailing lesson. Call or email the club to schedule your lesson. While scheduling this lesson, please make sure to notify SSC of any dietary restrictions or food allergies.
  2. Pick up & READ the course materials. Coastal Cruising Made Easy by American Sailing Association and ASA 103 syllabus + Bareboat Cruising Made Easy and ASA 104 syllabus are available at Seattle Sailing Club. If you live out of the area, we can ship the materials to you. Note: The course materials are included in the cost of the course, but there is an additional fee to ship them.
  3. Get a head start on the reading. Reading the course text and syllabus will give you an idea of what to expect during the lesson.
  4. Pack your bag according to the marine weather forecast. We suggest bringing a waterproof outer shell, warm layers made with polyester, fleece, wool or merino wool (no cotton), non-slip/non-marking shoes, a water bottle, lunch, sunscreen, and chapstick. Use the ASA 104 packing list as a guide while you pack for your weekend adventure. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) website provides up-to-date weather forecasts for the Puget Sound area. At the bottom of the page, you will find the forecast for the Puget Sound and Hood Canal
Q: What is the certification process and how much does it cost?
  1. Complete the lesson.
  2. Pass the ASA 103 + 104 written certification exam along with the on-the-water skills test (completed during the last day of the lesson).
  3. Pay the $30 ASA certification exam fee (1 fee for each certification, this course has 2 certifications).
  4. Get on the water! After passing your ASA 103 + 104 exams, you have officially completed your certification. You are now certified to skipper monohulls up to 45ft from sailing organizations around the world that recognize ASA certifications. If you’ve joined one of Seattle Sailing Club’s memberships, you are now certified to skipper boats up to 45ft. Your certification should arrive in the mail within 4 to 6 weeks after passing the exam. For more information on ASA’s International Proficiency Certification, click here.

ASA 105 Coastal Navigation

Sailors looking at a map - Sailing Lessons - Coastal NavigationThis 15-hour, classroom based sailing lesson teaches navigation by chart using navigational tools and publications.

SSC Member Price


Non-Member Price


15 hours of navigation instruction in a classroom*

  • Reading nautical charts, symbols, and dead reckoning navigation
  • Bearings and fixes, correcting your course for current and leeway
  • Fog navigation and GPS practice
  • 18+ years old

Class Size:

Minimum to run a lesson: 3 students/lesson

Maximum in each lesson: 4 students/lesson 

Lesson Schedule

Two consecutive days: 9:00am to 5:00pm each day

Half Days

Four 4-hour sessions held over two consecutive weeks

Lesson Cancellation Policy (Shilshole lessons only)
  • Cancellations within 14-days of the lesson are non-refundable.
  • Rescheduling within 14-days of the lesson will result in a rescheduling fee of 50% of the cost of the course. 
  • Prices are subject to change. Student will be responsible for paying the price difference upon rescheduling.
Lesson Refund Policy:
  • Lessons are refundable up to 6 months after purchase. 
  • Shipping costs are non-refundable. 
  • Course materials picked up or shipped are non-refundable

Q: How can I prepare for my ASA course? Are there any course materials I need before the lesson?

Coastal Navigation cover - ASA 105 Workbook & DVD

  1. Schedule your sailing lesson. Call or email the club to schedule your lesson.
  2. Pick up & READ the course materials. Coastal Navigation workbook with DVD by Capt. Mike Pyzel, training chart 1210TR, and ASA 105 syllabus are available at Seattle Sailing Club. If you live out of the area, we can ship the materials to you. Note: The course materials are included in the cost of the course, but there is an additional fee to ship them.
  3. Purchase additional navigation tools such as a parallel ruler, divider, #2 pencils, small digital calculator, and an eraser.
  4. Get a head start on the reading. Reading the course text and syllabus will give you an idea of what to expect during the lesson.
Q: What is the certification process and how much does it cost?
  1. Complete the sailing lesson.
  2. Pass the ASA 105 written certification exam.
  3. Pay the $30 ASA certification exam fee.
  4. Get on the water! After passing your ASA 105 exam, you have officially completed your certification. This course has provided you with the tools and techniques to navigate safely in coastal and inland waters. You are now ready to take ASA 106: Advanced Coastal Cruising. Your certification should arrive in the mail within 4 to 6 weeks after passing the exam.


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